To provide a coherent and shared witness for United Methodism on the Island
To strengthen existing ministries and develop new programs for outreach, evangelism and social justice for all ages.
To provide and foster fellowship and educational opportunities among United Methodists on Martha's Vineyard.
Organization: The Board of Directors of the United Methodist Society of Martha's Vineyard Inc. is composed of the pastors, retired clergy and lay representatives from each of the two United Methodist Churches on Martha's Vineyard: The Chilmark Community Church and the United Methodist Church of Martha's Vineyard. Our board meets every other month and our election of officers, annual education grants and other long-range business is conducted at our annual meeting.
Purpose: Sensing the strong need for a body that would provide a coherent and common witness for the United Methodist Church for Martha's Vineyard, the United Methodist Society of Martha's Vineyard Inc. allows us to do together what we can not do separately. Our Board administers funds invested with the United Methodist Foundation to support and strengthen the churches' programs for outreach, evangelism, and social justice for grater Methodist visibility on Martha's Vineyard. The Society envisions future needs, approves funding and overseeing the carrying out of these projects.